Saturday, October 30, 2010

Baby Steps: Veggies

I am willing to admit it now:  mistakes were made in trying to get Will to eat healthfully.  For example, we did not offer a big variety of different fruits and veggies from the beginning.  Instead, we kind of allowed him to get stuck on one or two.  Also, we got into a nasty habit of making him separate meals from whatever we were eating every night.  That's been broken in the past year, and I'm happy to say that he will usually try just about anything once and doesn't give us a fuss.  Though every once in a while he will get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich if we're having something super-spicy. 

Now that Sean is going to be ten months old in a couple of weeks, we've started a little bit of table food.  He had peas and a little bit of rice this afternoon, and once I mashed the peas slightly he loved them.  Tonight, I sliced up a steamed green bean really fine and he enjoyed picking it up and stuffing them in his mouth.  He's at that stage where he'll eat anything we put in front of him.  Boy, I miss that!  The trick is to continue offering different things, and I'm determined to be more successful this time. 

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