Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 28: Pork Loin

I do this to myself almost every week:  I put pork tenderloin on the menu for a night that Hubby has school so it's just me and the boys.  And everytime, without fail, when I come home the last thing that I want to do is  cook a pork tenderloin!

It's not so bad though, it's pretty much hands-off cooking.  Put it in the toaster oven and forget about it for about 45 minutes.  Ah, there's the issue:  the time it takes to cook!

Dinner on the table at 7pm last night (which is typical in our house):  Pork tenderloin, rice and spinach.  I bribed the kids with yogurt raisins to try the spinach.  Will took the bribe, took a taste and proclaimed it "Yuck!!!!  I don't like it."  More for me, then.

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