Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 18: Chicken and Peaches

Weeknights are hectic enough around here, especially on days where there's extra stuff thrown in.  For example, having to drop off a rental car because yours was in the shop all day.  The menu that I wrote last week said that there was supposed to be grilled chicken and pineapple.  Well, there was no pineapple, because we ate it as a snack the other day.  Hooray for getting fruit in, boo for eating a dinner staple.  So we went with an old standby that we hadn't had in ages:  grilled marinated chicken breasts.  Brian gave the chicken a short soak in some Italian dressing, and we served it over rice with grilled asparagus.  That was the first time that asparagus met our grill, and it turned out pretty well.

Yesterday morning, I took a look at the peaches on the counter, and I knew that they weren't going to be around long.  It was do-or-die, either those peaches get turned into something else and eaten, or they had a date with the trashcan.  (And I really HATE throwing out food.)  So it was kind of ambitious for a Monday night, but the peach crisp that I put together was delightful!  And to keep the heat down in the kitchen, I baked it in the toaster oven.  Brian and I each had a scoop, topped with the only ice cream that was compatible and in the house:  cookies n cream.  So, so good.  Welcome again, Fruits of Summer!

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