Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Beginning of the Mac n Cheese Quest

Today I'm working on my list of 100 Things in 1,001 Days.  Specifically, #6, "Perfect Macaroni and Cheese from Scratch."

I've said it before, sauces are not my forte.  I've only attempted homemade baked mac n cheese once.  The results were awful with a capital A, Aw-FUL!  I made it for our friends, Tracy and Michael, before we headed to a charity event together.  The failed roux, the clumpiness, it was just a mess through and through.  The sauce separated and it was in a word, disappointing.  However, Tracy is ridiculously polite, and they both ate it.  (What's wrong with you people?:)  )  I called it for what it was (total flop) and haven't tried again since.

I follow a blog called The Brown-Eyed Baker, my friend Alisha from knitting turned me on to this blog.  Every post looks SO GOOD, but I've never tried any of the recipes.  But when I saw a post this week about stovetop macaroni and cheese, I knew that I had to give it a shot.  And it came out fantastic:  very creamy and lots of good cheese flavor.  Plus, it's REAL cheese instead of orange powder, so it must be better for you.  (I can rationalize anything!)  I did make a couple of minor changes:  1.  I used up some small pasta shells instead of opening a new box of elbow macaroni, and 2.  Have you ever seen shredded American cheese at the grocery store?  I haven't.  I would've been OK shredding my own from a block of cheese, but all I could find was the "singles."  Not going to work.  And then I saw this, and brought home two of 'em:

This turned out to be a really good recipe to cut my teeth, so to speak.  I won't cross this off from my list until I make baked mac n cheese, but now I feel like I have a bit more confidence.

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