Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Truckstop Fare

You can always tell when Winter Break starts for Brian....there's a stellar menu on the side of the fridge.  This week's cookbook featured is "The Joy of Cooking" so it's a "Week of Joy!"

Last night's kitchen experiment:  chicken-fried steak.  I personally had never had it, but it sounded delicious.  (It's breaded steak with gravy.  What doesn't sound delish about that??)  I posted it on Facebook and got several responses of "OMG, that is sooooo good!"  And at least two people insisted that you MUST eat it with mashed potatoes.  Which was good, because that's what we were having as a side dish.  Since the potatoes were my responsibility, I chose to go the extra mile and added whole milk instead of 2%.  It really does make for a better-tasting mashed potato.

The verdict?   Brian and I loved it, and "squabbled" over the leftovers for the next day's lunch.  (Turned out there was enough for both of us to have them, BTW)  The kids...ehh.  Sean liked it, but he was more into the apple slices and corn on his plate.  Will politely tried a piece (which is a miracle in itself) and announced "Dad, I tried it and I don't like it."  So he had a hot dog instead.

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