Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

I'm always doing this.  I buy fruit/veggies with good intentions but then they're starting to pass their prime.  And I have to scramble to find something to do with them!

Four zucchinis in the fridge.  This morning I turned 'em into Chocolate Zucchini Muffins.  The recipe said that it yields two dozen muffins.  I got......nineteen.  Ah well.

They're a very subtle chocolate flavor, and I thought a little bit dry.  My other two critics disagreed.  Will has already devoured one on top of his froot loops and banana, and just asked for a second one.  (Joke's on you buddy!  There's zucchini in there!!!)  And Sean?  I'd say that Sean likes them just fine!

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