Sunday, November 15, 2009

A "Real" Hot Dog.

Yesterday, it was nap time after a trip to BJ's and Will was fighting me.  He cried and said he was hungry (though we had just had lunch at Moe's) and was begging for a hot dog.  I got him settled in bed with a lullaby and the boy who said he didn't need a nap ended up snoozing for three hours.  However, when he got up, he was still asking for a hot dog.

Will's been eating hot dogs for some time now.  I usually broil one in the toaster oven, cut it into pieces to make him less likely to choke on it, serve with a little mac and cheese and a dollop of ketchup.  He didn't want that.  He wanted a whole hot dog on an actual bun, and made it crystal clear that only THAT would suffice. 

So I caved, and made him a hot dog, complete with bun.  ("I want MUSTARD, Mommy!  NOT Ketchup!")  I nervously put it on the table and sat right next to him while he ate it.

Turns out I had nothing to worry about.  Apparently, in Will's world, a "real hot dog" is just the bun.  Every speck of roll was eaten, leaving a whole hot dog on the plate at the end!  I said "Don't you want some of the meat???"  "No, I like the bun!" 

Next time I'll be sure to just squirt some yellow mustard on a hot dog bun and let him have at it!

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