Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Veggie of an Idea

I've been working a lot of long hours lately, either going back to work after dinner or bringing a box of files home and poring over them at my dining room table while Will plays with my adding machine. (He loves that thing!) Most of the time I'm too zonked to think about dinner. We still write a menu, but Brian pays attention to it, and thankfully, does most of the cooking.

Will is still eating basic, toddler food. Mostly carbs, no veggies and only a little fruit. This bothers me, but I've been a bit distracted lately to work on it. His daycare provider writes down all of his food in a notebook every day for me and she always writes that he ate the veggies that she put out. She did mention that he loves butternut squash, but when I make it at home? HA! Maybe it's the fact that he sees other kids eat it, but not in our house. It might as well be Kryptonite!

Anyway, one night last week I posted on Facebook that I was caving in to Will's demand of pancakes for dinner. About ten of my "friends" (relatives, acquaintances, etc...) immediately commented on my status. Most of them were "We love pancakes for dinner sometimes! We add A, B, C to make them healthier!" Some of these ideas were pretty good. My brother-in-law puts shredded zucchini in them. One friend adds cooked sweet potato, another wheat germ. Awesome!!

I read "The Sneaky Chef" a while ago and while I liked the idea, it seemed like an awful lot of work. But this kind of stuff is something that I can do, and in this case, every little bit helps. I can make a batch of pancakes and shred veggie in them and have them for him at night if he's being picky. So to everyone on my Facebook page, thank you!

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