Sunday, October 18, 2009

Leftover City!

Apparently, as far as leftovers are concerned around here, it's feast or famine.

Last week was really meager, nothing much to take for lunch at work.  I'm not a sandwich fan, so it's usually whatever we had the night before.  I ate out twice last week, which I try hard not to do.  This week?  It's Sunday night, and here's what's in the fridge:

Chicken Cacciatore (from the crockpot)
Steak Fajitas
a pan of lasagna
a couple of slices of pizza from Thursday Night Dinner with our friends
a big tub of white rice
a big bag of rolls

The chicken cacciatore and lasagna are from Will's family birthday party yesterday.  (p.s.  he didn't have any of either, preferring to eat a cereal bar and then birthday cake instead)  When making the lasagna for my guests, I realized that I had waaay more meat mixture and ricotta mixture than could possibly fit in the 9x13 pan!  On a whim I quickly grabbed a second smaller pan and made a mini version.  I tried to send some home with people but my parents forgot it in the fridge, along with a little bag of rolls I had packed for them.  Oops.  Now I'm wondering...can you freeze lasagna?  (Not that I'm really good at eating frozen stuff from the freezer like that.  I recently found blueberries from February in there!)

So it's good eating in our house this week.  Hope I don't have to throw away too much of it!

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