Thursday, December 4, 2008

Not a Chance

I know that I usually say I'll try anything once....and it has gotten me in trouble on more than one occasion. Over the years, I've found myself eating things like scrapple, or whatever concoction my college buddies mixed into a dessert at a birthday dinner in a restaurant. Or salsa con queso and sour patch kids on a dare. (yes....blech) But I found something today that I would, quote the song about Mr. Grinch, "touch with an eleven-and-a-half foot pole"......liver and onions!

Liver? Really? Why would you want to eat an organ that's responsible for removing toxic impurities from the body? Seriously!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, um, NO WAY!

Anonymous said...

You are such a young whippersnapper that you don't remember when eating liver was considered healthy for the iron and other nutrients that are stored in it.

That isn't to say I like it. In fact, the onions are fine but no way will I eat liver ever again and my mommy can't make me!